Piazza Di Pietra, Rome, Italy

Piazza Di Pietra tours, things to do and tickets

TourHarbor recommends to you the most relevant Piazza Di Pietra online tour catalog. We'll help you to choose the most interesting things to do among the broad variety of Piazza Di Pietra sightseeing tours and other experiences.
Your trip will amaze every traveler. You'll collect lasting memories of many beautiful moments.

Overview of Rome Private Tour

Duration: 3 hours
Enjoy the perfect orientation in the Eternal City with this private 3-hour Rome tour. See highlights including the Palazzo Farnese (outside), the Pantheon, St. Ignatius Church, Piazza della Minerva, Piazza di Pietra, Piazza di Colonna, the Trevi Fountain, and the Spanish Steps. You can choose to tour with an air conditioned Mercedes car/minivan instead of a walking tour, which will allow you to visit some sights further from the city center as well such as see the Mouth of Truth (outside), Circus Maximus, and the famous keyhole view plus avoid the heat of the day during summertime. Customize your itinerary on this private tour.
$216.49*Per person

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