Fulton Center, New York City, New York

Fulton Center tours, things to do and tickets

TourHarbor recommends to you the most relevant Fulton Center online tour comparison. We will help you to choose the most interesting things to do among the impressive variety of Fulton Center sightseeing tours and other experiences.
Your visit will impress each and every person. You will have fun memories of multiple beautiful moments.

NYC Statue of Liberty Express Boat Cruise & Guided 9/11 Memorial

Duration: 9 hours
First make a guided visit to the 9/11 Memorial and learn about the area and the tragic events of that day. Then, experience New York City Skyline from the water on a 50 minute boat cruise.

Get up close to the Statue of Liberty for great views and photos all from the comfort of the boat. Enjoy the New York City skyline and get great photos of New York's most famous buildings including, The Empire State Building and One World Trade Center.

Experience the beauty of the Brooklyn Bridge from all angles including the unique and unforgettable view of this New York City icon from beneath.

This is a 50 minute non-stop sightseeing cruise you will not get off the boat until you return to the dock where you boarded.

$69*Per person

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