Jewish Museum in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

Jewish Museum in Prague tours, things to do and tickets

TourHarbor recommends to you the most relevant Jewish Museum in Prague online tour directory. We'll help you to pick the most attractive travel activities among the broad variety of Jewish Museum in Prague sightseeing tours and other experiences.
Your trip will impress each and every tourist. You will have unforgettable memories of many beautiful moments of life.

Prague Jewish Quarter Private tour - 3hours

Duration: 3 hours
Learn about the fascinating history of Czech Jews in the several sites of the Prague Jewish museum. In each site, mostly former synagogues, you find a different exhibition. Visit the Old-New, Maisel, Pinkas, and Klausen Synagogues, Old Jewish Cemetery, and Ceremonial hall. Your private guide explains you everything; you will have always enough free time to walk around the synagogue on your own.
$82.97*Per person

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