Schonbrunn Palace Orchestra, Vienna, Austria

Schonbrunn Palace Orchestra tours, things to do and tickets

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Schönbrunn Palace Concert in Vienna

Duration: 2 hours
Schoenbrunn Palace Orchestra awaits you at the Palace Orangery where Mozart himself performed in 1786. The concert is a fine selection of masterful music by Mozart and Strauss, rounded off by vocal performances.

Since the establishment of the Schoenbrunn Palace Concerts, the daily performances of the Schoenbrunn Palace Orchestra play an essential role in Vienna's cultural and musical life. At the Orangery Schoenbrunn, a place rich in tradition, the Schoenbrunn Palace Orchestra and the Schoenbrunn Palace Ensemble perform the most beautiful tunes of the classic composers Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Johann Strauss.

On selected dates, the concerts take place in the Great Gallery or in the White-Gold Room directly in the Palace, in the Schönbrunn Palace Theatre or other concert halls in Vienna.
$44.8*Per person

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